Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Welcome Islanders and Mainlanders

So you found my blog. Welcome and continue scrolling till you find something of interest. If you have some words of wisdom you'd like to share then click "blog this" at the top of the page or add comments. Be sure to check out Texas Equisite Wines down below. It links to some other neat and informative podcasts.

So start your own blog. It's easy and the results are like having your own web page. I hope you found the guest column in the Galveston Daily News informative in starting podcasting and blogging as soon as possible. Have a Happy New Year!


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Marine security concerns

An overview of marine security when conducting marine transfer operations between the vessel and port facility

Marine security concerns have always been an important aspect of marine transfer operations at port facilities throughout the world. Nowadays, post 9/11, its the terrorist threat that adds a new dimension in situational awareness and security of our vital ports. Marine transfer operators are now required to attend classes and instruction in marine security concerning vessels and port facilities. Security is everyone's job now, whether it be the security guard at the main gate or the dock operator at the dock conducting a marine transfer.

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Working as a Loading Master-PIC..

An introduction to marine transfer operations between ships, barges, and marine terminals

Working as a Loading Master or dock operator for several years it has come to my attention that there is no standardized program in the training of dock operators here in the United States like there is for the Tankermen who attend USCG certified schools and subsequently receive a Tankerman PIC endorsement on their Merchant Mariners Document (MMD). Not to take anything away from the professional skills of the tankermen, the dock operators (Loading Master-PIC) position is just as vital and important in conducting a marine transfer operation. So why isn't the training and preparation for the job not up to par with the Tankerman's training and preparation who is also a marine transfer operator?

Hopefully, the marine transfer operation website will assist in filling the gaps in the knowledge and skill areas that dock operators (Lading Master-PIC) need in conducting safe and environmentally compliant transfer operations. I'll be probing into many subject areas across a wide spectrum from maritime security to environmental regulations and the nuts and bolts aspects of how it relates to dockside transfer operations.

Link to source...

Adult Literacy Rate Dismal Results

Adult Literacy Rate Dismal Results #01 12-18-2005: "

A recent governmental report, "National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL)," conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), provides insight into the dismal state of affairs regarding the low literacy rate for millions of Americans.


Yachting Fun with Model Sailboats

Yachting Fun with Model Sailboats 2005-12-15 #01: "

A brief introduction into the interesting hobby of radio controlled sailboat racing with a regatta occuring on January 21, 2006 in Pasadena, Texas at the Burke Crenshaw Park with 37 participants from 7 Gulf Coast States. C.J, from Louisiana, a …


Texas Exquisite Wines 2005

Texas Exquisite Wines 2005-12-19 #02: "

A backyard surprise is revealed locally when local residents find to their surprise the only winery located in Galveston County, which produces an award winning Blanc Du Bois both dry and sweet tasting labels. Come join your host as he is given a unique …


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Time Warner Cable Internet beats up on Verizon DSL

It was an out of the ordinary and creative day today between work at the Texas City Harbor and taking a couple of hours off in between to assist Nancy obtain a broadband high speed cable hook-up with Time Warner-EarthLink. She already had a DSL broadband connection with Verizon but the customer service was less than desirable and at times obtaining a high speed connection was mediocre. See you later Verizon.

Another problem with Verizon service is that consumers here in Galveston County, Texas are forced to have voice service if they need DSL high speed internet service (bundled). Kind of like being forced to purchase a loaf of bread if you need gallon of milk at the grocery store.

Furthermore, who needs a Verizon landline as a home phone when your home number can be ported to a cell phone. So instead of paying for a home line and a cell phone simultaneousl so …now there is only one phone bill $$$. What do you think? Is that a good idea? Of course this is a novel way in saving a few bucks to go into the gas tank instead of Verizon's warchest . One day the big Telecoms will figure it out and provide for the wants and needs of the consumer instead of the usual earnings per share attitude.

Santa Fe,Texas

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Out in the wild

Here is another hilarious picture I found while blog surfing. lol

Cyber Pinball

Click on the image and it will expand...really neat.

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home
Originally uploaded by it2getting.
Home in Santa Fe

Glass of Milk

Splash 1
Originally uploaded by B, K & G.
A tall cool glass of milk goes well with a barbeque sandwich on a Sunday afternoon

A Tasty Snack

Just finished an excellent barbeque dinner plate that Nancy picked up for me at the Santa Fe Fire Department dinner benefit. The sliced beef was excellent! I was able to make two tasty sandwiches here at home. Then the finished up the snack with a tall glass of cold milk . Its been a busy day figuring out how to streamline the blogging process with a nifty photo utility called Flickr. Once I learn how to compliment it with Blogger then I’ll have more to report on.

Santa Fe Texas Fire Department Benefit Dinners

The Santa Fe, Texas Fire Department is hosting a fundraising benefit on Sunday, 13 November 2005 at the main fire station on HWY 6. There will be barbecue dinners available for a modest fee of $6.00. Hungry residents are encouraged to drop by the Santa Fe fire house for a tantalizing plate of slice beef, sausage, chili beans, potato salad, baked potatoes, with all the fixings.

Plate Bar-Be-Cue plate dinners will be ready for all the hungry Santa Fe residents from 11:00 A.M. -2:00 P.M. The benefit is for a worthy cause supporting the volunteer community fire department whose members include 81 dedicated personnel. Better hurry these mouth watering tasty plates won't last long.

The internet revolution

The internet revolution has arrived here in Santa Fe with Podcasting and Blogging

My girlfriend...the desktop

Texas City BP Accident Investigaton

Regarding the recent story in the Galveston Daily News on November 11 concerning the findings of the Chemical Safety Board it has been determined that plant operators are working long shifts without much rest. This isn't much of a surprise to the thousands of other refinery workers throughout the United States who also work long hours under similar conditions that exist at the Texas City BP plant.

Any finger pointing and blame solely towards BP regarding the unfortunate and tragic Texas City explosion back in March 2005 is uncalled for and is a smokescreen directing attention away from the central problem in a dysfunctional industry that currently is causing concern from both sides of the fenceline whether it be the energy consumer or the blue collar worker who produces the energy. The entire industry is at fault, especially without any proactive protective governmental health and safety oversight. Of course protective regulations do exist...but the manpower for enforcement does not.

OSHA is undermanned and does not have the appropriate congressional funding to remedy the ongoing problem. The only venue for changing dismal working conditions will be a louder public outcry directed toward our elected lawmakers on Capital Hill. Overall it will be long and tedious uphill battle against management in the energy industry which has a stronger presence and overflowing war chest of political capital in addition to resourceful connections in Washington D.C, with its powerful anti-labor lobbyists, lawyers, and marketing techniques on K street.

Besides providing vital energy security for the nation, the main objective of management at the refining plants is a positive return in the quarterly financial statements, which equates to "moving the juice" of petroleum products at all costs efficiently through the various stages of production and eventually loading onto railcars, tanker trucks, barges, and tanker ships for eventual consumption by a diverse and thirsty market. Any hindrance and vocal dissent by plant operators especially outside contractors can slow down the production process.

For example, the academics of properly abiding to the multitude of federal environmental, health, and safety regulations is frowned upon by management. Of course by all outward appearance, regulations are being adhered to but this is only a facade. The careful plant worker will be careful with their choice of words concerning the observance of health, safety, and environmental violations, or he/she might be looking for a new job.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

Sante Fe, Texas burglaries

A couple of days ago a local resident on 12th St in Santa Fe, assisted the Santa Fe Police Departement in the apprehension of a teenager that was seen burgalizing garages in the neigborhood

Ball High School football team disqualification

Regarding the Ball High School football team disqualifiaction prior to their play-off game in Galveston County, Texas. Its ashame that the political correctness of the social elite must infringe on the freedoms of young high school football players. At a time when national and state governmental inadequacies are indifferent to the communities needs, this social injustice epitomizes how our citizens must vocally stand up and protest such actions.
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