Bull Riding Hubbard, TX Rodeo

The Hubbard, Texas rodeo produced by Mr. Johnny Hoyle, owner of the Cadillac Rodeo Company turned out to be a great success over the May 27-28 2006 weekend. The wild western action was reminiscent of the Wild West Shows of yesteryear with cowboys and cowgirls displaying their suberb horsemanship and riding skills in the rodeo arena in the timed and rough stock rodeo events.
Cadillac Rodeo Company with it's ranch headquarters in Mexia, Texas provided a strong remuda of stout bucking horses testing the skills of rodeo cowboy's from throughout the state of Texas. At the Sunday afternoon performance the Bull Riders had all they could handle with their bull ropes firmly secured for a wild bucking, twisting, and spinning ride. As the bulls can attest the feed at the Mexia ranch kept them one step ahead and winning the cowboy contest in the arena with only one rider scoring a winning ride that Sunday afternoon. The score, Bulls 9 Cowboys 1.
A rematch is called for by all, rodeo fans included. Mr Hoyle says after his stock gets rested up again he'll be back with the rough stock bucking string of horses and bulls at the Burnet, Texas rodeo June 9-10, 2006. this will also be a Cowboy's Professional Rodeo Association sanctioned event. We'll see you there on down the rodeo trail.
Thumbnail photo courtesy of Thomas Caspers, Ficker Archive