Saturday, July 22, 2006

Wild Mare Race- Texas Cowboy Reunion

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Heres an event that you don't get to see at many rodeos. From over a century ago reminiscent of the Texas Cattle drive era and the Chislum trail where the millions of Texas Longhorns were herded on 3-4 month trips to the railheads in Kansas by cowboys.

Of course, the cowboy's horse following along in the remuda was the prime tool to get the job done. There was no corrals along the way in the mesquite and sagebrush terrain prior to the invention of barbed wire (devils rope).

So once a horse was needed or a change of a mount, the cowboy threw a loop over the selected horse and saddled up. Easier said than done. Here is a glimpse back in time of what might of been experienced in the now tamed west.


Friday, July 07, 2006

Texas Cowboy Reunion-Stamford, Texas 2006

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The 76th Annual Texas Cowboy Reunion was held in Stamford, Texas June 28-July 1 2006. Stamford has a rich western ranch heritage with the numerous ranches in the area, which is approximately 40 miles north of Abilene, Texas

During the four day cowboy tournament, area cowboys and cowgirls from throughout the region competed in numerous roping and riding events for trophy saddles, cash prizes, and coveted belt buckles. The western fans in attendance experienced close hand the skills of these ranch cowboys. During the rodeo, the Hardin Simmons Cowboy Band performed to the tune of the western action.

In conjunction to the nightly rodeo performances there was an cowboy old timers reunion, fiddling contest, cowboy poetry, and chuckwagon cook-off in addition to a multitude of other western activities.

I've included music and yodeling from the talented western musician Jill Jones. She performed at the Cowboy Poetry gathering on Saturday afternoon and I thought in addition to the other talented performers, the spirit at the Texas Cowboy Reunion was captured with with her upbeat tunes. Thanks Jill!

Pitchfork Ranch Chuckwagon

This is a 5 minute streaming video so for all you dial up users give it few minutes to load the 12 mb on your web browser.




Tuesday, June 20, 2006

M Bar M Open Rodeo Summer Series

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Heres some Wild Western action at the M Bar M Arena, produced by James and Keith Miller in Santa Fe, Texas in Galveston County on June 9, 2006. The Summer Rodeo Series will continue till the end of June on Friday nights at 8:00 P.M. Books open at 6:00 P.M for all contestants, so bring your rigging and bull rope on out to the arena for some bucking action on the Miller Brothers rough stock of bulls and broncs.

Rodeo fans are invited also to the rodeo grounds where food and refreshments are provided at the cook shack. Admission to the rodeo grounds is $5.00 and coolers are allowed. So come on out and bring the entire family for an enjoyable evening of roping, riding, and rastlin' continuing the spirit of our western heritage .

 In this clip we'll hear a brief interview with Bull Fighter Jorge Barragan and roughstock riders Drew Dotson and Demond Haines. There were 7 riders entered in the Junior Bull Riding and 5 riders entered in the Open Bulls in addition to 2 riders entered in the Bareback Bronc event. Roping timed events are also hosted at this open rodeo These Open Rodeos occur at dozens of arenas throughout the United States on weekends. Which provides rodeo contestants an excellent opportunity to polish and hone their riding skills for the next level where they will be competing at professional sanctioned rodeos on the PRCA, CPRA. UPRA, or PBR circuit.

Thumbnail Photo courtesy Chris Lombardi Flickr Archive


Friday, June 02, 2006

Bull Riding Hubbard, TX Rodeo

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The Hubbard, Texas rodeo produced by Mr. Johnny Hoyle, owner of the Cadillac Rodeo Company turned out to be a great success over the May 27-28 2006 weekend. The wild western action was reminiscent of the Wild West Shows of yesteryear with cowboys and cowgirls displaying their suberb horsemanship and riding skills in the rodeo arena in the timed and rough stock rodeo events.

Cadillac Rodeo Company with it's ranch headquarters in Mexia, Texas provided a strong remuda of stout bucking horses testing the skills of rodeo cowboy's from throughout the state of Texas. At the Sunday afternoon performance the Bull Riders had all they could handle with their bull ropes firmly secured for a wild bucking, twisting, and spinning ride. As the bulls can attest the feed at the Mexia ranch kept them one step ahead and winning the cowboy contest in the arena with only one rider scoring a winning ride that Sunday afternoon. The score, Bulls 9 Cowboys 1.

A rematch is called for by all, rodeo fans included. Mr Hoyle says after his stock gets rested up again he'll be back with the rough stock bucking string of horses and bulls at the Burnet, Texas rodeo June 9-10, 2006. this will also be a Cowboy's Professional Rodeo Association sanctioned event. We'll see you there on down the rodeo trail.

Thumbnail photo courtesy of Thomas Caspers, Ficker Archive 


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Saddle Bronc Hubbard, Tx Rodeo

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There were 9 rodeo cowboys from throughout Texas competing in the Saddle Bronc rough stock event at the 2:00 P.M Sunday afternoon March 28, 2006 performance at the rodeo grounds in Hubbard, Texas. The rodeo was produced by the Cadillac Rodeo Company and sanctioned by the United Professional Cowboys Association  and Cowboys Professional Rodeo Association.

The rodeo fans also enjoyed many of the other rough stock and timed sanctioned events such as team roping, barrel racing, steer wrestling, and calf roping. The bucking bulls and horses provided great wild western action in the spirit of our unique American western heritage. All the cowboys and cowgirls competing in the various events displayed superb horsemanship and riding skills, demonstrating the basic three R's of roping, riding, and rastlin'.

Thumbnail Saddle Bronc Rider photo courtesy of PhotoPhreak in the Flickr Archive

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Bareback Event Hubbard, TX Rodeo

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The Hubbard, Texas Rodeo was held on May 27 & 28 2006 at the Hubbard rodeo grounds. It was a great show produced by Mr. Johnny Hoyle, owner of the Cadillac Rodeo Company. Mr Hoyle brought some fine bucking stock from his ranch in Mexia, Texas.

In this clip you'll see some great bareback rides at the 2:00 P.M Sunday matinee performance. Troy Nail scored a winning 75 point ride. Prior to attending the Hubbard rodeo, Troy also won the bareback event this weekend with a 80 point ride at the Jacksboro Rodeo, produced by the Lancaster Rodeo Company. This cowboy is in the hunt for a championsip culminating at the CPRA finals October 12-14 at the Brazoria County Fairgrounds. Currently this rodeo cowboy is second in the CPRA standings trailing the leader George Thomas.

Bareback Bronc picture courtesy of Thomas Caspers.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Bronc Riding Baytown Rodeo

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Here is a short video clip of the Bareback and Saddle Bronc Riding events last Friday and Saturday night May 19-20 at the Baytown Fairgrounds in Baytown, Texas, just east of Houston, Texas and home to Exxon Refinery adjacent to the  the Houston Ship Channel.

The rodeo was produced by the Flying J Rodeo Company, sanctioned by the Cowboys Professional Rodeo Association. There was a big turnout of 11 Saddle Bronc Riders competing in the historical and colorful event for the two day roundup.

The cowboy spirit was reminiscent of yesteryear when cowboys from local ranches would gather annually  in the Spring after gathering, branding, doctoring calves and cattle. Of course a bit of competition always ensued after all the work was done. And bragging rights for the best bronc rider of such and such ranch had to be established. Thus the rodeo was born.

 Bragging rights for the top hand riding Saddle Bronc at the Baytown show went to an Australian Cowboy hailing form Perth, David Metaljam. Out west we call these Cowboys buckaroos and down under you have jackaroos.

 In the Bareback event there was only three riders entered for the 2 day rodeo. All the bareback bronc riders in this event covered there horses for the full 8 seconds, displaying suberb skill twisting every which way in their wild western rides. See for yourself in the video and tell me what you think? Congratualtions to George Thomas of Sunnyside, Texas in his 72 point ride on "CrackerJack." Currently, George is number one in the CPRA Bareback standings and we'll for look for him at the CPRA Finals in October


Monday, May 22, 2006

Steer Wrestling & Junior Bull Riding Baytown, Texas Rodeo

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Howdy Rodeo Fans! Come join us for some wild western rodeo action at the Baytown, Texas rodeo that was produced by the Flying J Rodeo Company last weekend 19-20 March 2006.

In this short 5 minute video clip you'll get to see some Junior Bull Riding at the start of the show and progressing to the Steer Wrestling event sanctioned by the Cowboy's Professional Rodeo Association.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Steer Wrestling Event Dayton, Texas Rodeo

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In the tradition of the wild west and our western heritage in the United States, rodeo cowboys compete in local rodeos across the country. Many of the rodeo events perpetuate the skills of the cowboy of yesteryear.

The Steer Wrestling event in this video clip is quite a crowd pleaser for the rodeo fans here at this Dayton, Texas Rodeo. Two mounted cowboys, one the hazer who directs the steer down the arena and the other cowboy called the steer wrestler or bulldogger, dismounts his horse at full speed catching the steer by the horns. Not and easy task for the faint hearted.

Rodeo cowboy  Ben Goodman from Beaumont, Texas  won the event with a 3.8 second run. Additionally in this clip we see Geg King fom Houston, Texas placing third in the event with a 4.7 second run

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Roughstock Rodeo Events -Dayton, Texas

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Flying J Rodeo Company provided some excellent bucking stock in the Saddle Bronc and Bareback events at the FFA Dayton, Texas Rodeo 13 May 2006.

Saddle Bronc rider Bill Hebert from Marble Falls, Texas riding "Rockstar" scored a winning ride of 77 points. Prior to his ride he was ranked 8th in the CPRA Saddle Bronc standings.

 Saddle Bronc Rider Dewayne Lognion form Iowa, Lousiana captured second place with a 71 point ride on "Hangem High"

In the Saturday night Bareback event Donald Goodman from Beaumont, Texas scored 69 points on "Commotion."

This was a sanctioned rodeo by the Cowboys Professional Rodeo Association with every dollar earned in competition counting as a point, which goes toward competing in the Finals at the end of the year for the top 15 rodeo cowboys in each event.

The next Flying J Rodeo will be May 19-20 in Baytown, Texas at the Baytown Fairgrounds on 7900 North Main. Ya'll come on out for some family fun and rodeo action.

Dayton, Texas Rodeo Junior Bull Riding

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Heres a brief glimpse at the start of the Dayton, Texas Rodeo held on 12-13 March 2006. The first event was the Junior Bull Riding with some great bucking action on Flying J Rodeo Company Bulls.

Friday, April 28, 2006

A brief glimpse back in time...Carnival;

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Here is a unique special effect I found on the Sony Vegas video editing software

First you are at the Fairgrounds the year 2006, then your screen flickers briefly and you are back in time the year 1938. This is just a test run. But what do you think? Do you emotionally feel the visual effect going back in time? Thanks for any comments

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Cruzin A Different View

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Heres an interesting video where I combined two different video shoots. One shot was on a Houston, Texas Highway . The other shoot was at a car show in League City. While viewing the stationery cars at the car show one can also get the feeling of motion with the hightway transparecy view. What do you think?

Friday, April 07, 2006

Galveston Drive-By

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A drive along the Strand and Seawall on Galveston Island, Texas
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Sunday, February 19, 2006

Pizza Sunday Buffet-Simple Simon's Pizza

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Here is a short video of a trip to Simple Simon's Pizza in Santa Fe, Texas for the Sunday Buffett with all the fixings

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A Drive to the Shack

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